Khorne blood glory
Khorne blood glory


The Blood God is worshipped by almost every tribe of Men in the Northern Wastes, for the Northmen are warrior-peoples who exalt in the contest of arms, particularly those of Norsca, who most eagerly of all embrace Khorne's call to eternal warfare. He is called " Kharneth," " Akhar," " Kjorn," " Khorgar," the " Axefather," the " Bloodfather," the " Wolf-Father," the " Bloodwolf," and yet other uncounted multitudes of titles and aspects. Khorne is known by a thousand, thousand names in the northern lands of the Chaos Wastes. His warriors, though gore-maddened berserkers all, take no artful approach to killing, for such indulgent displays serve only to empower Slaanesh, the honourless adversary of Khorne amongst the company of the Chaos Gods. However, though Khorne is the god of bloody slaughter, he is also the god of martial pride and honour, of those who set themselves against the most dangerous foes and earn victory against the odds. Of all the Ruinous Powers, Khorne is the biggest instigator of war and destruction, constantly whipping up his followers to lay siege on the cities, towns, and hamlets of the Old World.

khorne blood glory

During times of utter destruction and murder, Khorne's bellows resound in the Chaos Wastes, causing madness in any that might hear. He watches scenes of barbarism and slaughter with delight, and it is said he sounds his horn across the Chaos Wastes to incite further frenzy.

khorne blood glory khorne blood glory

Khorne'sĪnger and violence is an unbridled force that targets both friends and foes alike. His lust for blood is unquenchable, and he is forever goading his followers to take up arms and murder in his name. He represents unrestrained aggression, mindless frenzy, and bloodshed on the battlefield. Khorne is the most violent and destructive of the four major Chaos Gods. Every act of killing or murder in the mortal world feeds and empowers Khorne the more senseless, vicious and bloodthirsty, the better. His domain encompasses the most basic and brutal of sentient emotions - hate, anger, rage, the desire for destruction and the joy of killing one's enemies. Khorne is the second eldest of the major Ruinous Powers and his waxing strength in this time of constant conflict often renders him the mightiest of the Chaos Gods in his effect on the mortal world and in the Great Game between the gods. International sales are unable to be fulfilled at this time.Khorne, also known as the " Blood God," the " Lord of Murder", the " Lord of Skulls," " Hunter of Souls," and " the Hound" in Norsca, is the major Chaos God of war, hatred, wrath, rage, murder, blood, strength, courage and martial honour. Our retail agreement with Games Workshop prevents us from shipping this item outside of the country.


This battletome contains a one-use code to add the book to your digital library in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App. A gallery of Khornate miniatures, with instructional guides to get you painting Matched play content, including four grand strategies, six battle tactics, and a core battalion unique to the Blades of Khorne

khorne blood glory


Path to Glory campaign rules that allow your warlord to undergo the Trial of Skulls, plus a new battleplan and eight warscroll battalions for use in narrative play Rules themed around the six mightiest slaughterhosts, plus battle traits, command traits, artefacts of power, and Blood Blessings - terrifying prayers for your priests 41 warscrolls and pitched battle profiles for Blades of Khorne armies, from towering Bloodthirsters to cruel Realmgore Ritualists Blood-soaked artwork illustrating the rage and martial might of Khorne's followers Detailed background material on the Blades of Khorne, including the various slaughterhosts, each of which worships the Blood God in their own uniquely violent way This book contains everything you need to know when leading the devoted followers of Khorne in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

Khorne blood glory